너의 untruth 2019. 4. 26. 23:00

불 쾌한 모모(누구)?시나리오 이런거

Warning: Contains heavy smut. Do not read if you are underage. 

A/ N: Thank you to @ admincl for the input and helping me decide on how I wanted this to end. 

The first package had arrived just before a meeting on a Monday morning, the stark red of the large bow against the tanned box the only reason your secretary had called out to you as you left the office, her voice enunciating the curled white letters with a thick french accent.

‘Louboutin’s… Jay won’t be pleased when he sees the credit card bill this month.’ She’d winked slyly, sharing a knowingly smug smile with you.

‘Honey, I know you don’t think I use a man’s money to buy my shoes… They’re probably a gift from him to apologise for canceling on me tonight. Leave them on my desk, I’ll return them later. I don’t take bribes.’ You’d said with a laugh, swishing the thickness of your hair over your shoulders before leaving, loud heels clicking with authority on the tiles as you departed.

If it hadn’t been for the rush you’d been in, you would have checked them a lot sooner. You would have noted the blank card, gold script scrawling anonymous across it. You would have understood that the lack of sender was an indication the shoes weren’t for the reason you’d thought. But you hadn’t. With the stress of your day, they’d fallen completely from your mind. It wasn’t until you’d sauntered back from your meeting that you’d spied them, perched dutifully on your desk and patiently awaiting your return.

K e e p r e a d i n g


경고 : 무거운 smut를 포함합니다. 미성년자는 읽지 마십시오.

A / N : @ admincl에게 의견을 보내 주셔서 감사 드리며 어떻게 끝내기를 원하십니까?

첫 번째 패키지는 월요일 아침 회의가 열리기 직전에 도착했습니다. 무두질 된 상자를 대적하는 큰 활의 붉은 색이 당신이 사무실을 떠날 때 비서가 당신에게 불렀던 유일한 이유, 두꺼운 프랑스 억양.

'Louboutin 's ... J ay는 이번 달에 신용 카드 청구서를 보았을 때 기뻐하지 않을 것입니다.'그녀는 교묘하게 찡그린 듯 미소 짓고 미소 지었다.

'여보, 당신이 신발을 사기 위해 돈을 쓰지 않는다고 생각하는 걸 압니다. 아마 오늘 밤 나에게 사과하는 사과를 선물로받은 것 같아요. 그것들을 내 책상에 맡기면 나중에 돌려 줄거야. 나는 뇌물을받지 않는다. "당신은 떠나기 전에 어깨 너머로 머리카락의 두께를 닦으면서 웃으며 말했다. 시끄러운 발 뒤꿈치는 당신이 떠날 때 타일에 대한 권한으로 클릭했다.

러시에 대한 것이 아니었다면 더 빨리 점검했을 것입니다. 빈 카드, 골드 스크립트가 익명으로 비명을 질렀다는 것을 알았을 것입니다. 발신자가 없다는 것이 당신이 생각한 이유 때문에 신발이 아니라는 것을 알았을 것입니다. 그러나 당신은 그렇지 않았습니다. 하루의 스트레스로 그들은 마음에서 완전히 벗어났습니다. 회의에서 돌아와서 스파이가 된 것을 정중히 생각하고 책상 위에 정중하게 앉았으며 인내심으로 돌아올 때까지 기다리고있었습니다.

계속 읽으세요


춤 추는데 짜여진 각본이라고 해야되나 조 직적으로 잘찾아봐라 

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